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  Dentro il Paesaggio con Sergio De Stefani: 14/03/2025  
si vestono, i fiori... have an year full of tenderness have an year full of tenderness  It's still cold @ Palù  It's still cold @ Palù  It's still cold @ Palù  It's still cold @ Palù flowing iced bubbles #4 iced bubbles #3 iced bubbles #2 iced bubbles iced maps Panta rei rock ... on the rocks #2 rock ... on the rocks a string of pearls strings of pearls a little piece of autumn #3 a little piece of autumn #2 a little piece of autumn a wet rest pole dance ... in nature #2 pole dance ... in nature jewels on the grass another jewel on the grass a new dragonfly morning2Palù: Iris Pseudacorus morning2Palù: Iris Sibirica #2 morning2Palù: Iris Sibirica morning2Palù: melitea on Iris born to fly ready for fly waiting for fly #2 waiting for fly life on hold #2 life on hold a ray of sun balloon crocus view restart #3 restart #2 restart short memory of a rainy spring imagine a painted spring #2 imagine a painted spring Drops of spring #5 Drops of spring #4 Drops of spring #2 ready to fly Apollo again #2 Apollo again colors hide to sleep Calopteryx virgo drops dangerous attraction tentacular vibrations #2 tentacular vibrations texture little world easter time! a green presence late winter colors #3 late winter colors #2 late winter colors life in ice #2 life in ice artic eggs? almost invisible (Physoplexis comosa) #3 almost invisible (Physoplexis comosa) #2 colors simply grass a green cut a green cut a green cut is still springtime ... #3 is still springtime ... #2 is still springtime ... in the middle of the path points of view Helleborus Niger ( Rosa di Natale ) softness by Helleborus colors by Helleborus Niger welcome back Helleborus Niger #2 welcome back Helleborus Niger suspen's ice #2 suspen's ice waterfall of greetings/cascata di auguri #2 2011.1.1 waterfall of greetings/cascata di auguri ice and grass MyAutumn #10 MyAutumn #9 MyAutumn #7 MyAutumn #6 praise of slowness two (big) eyes seasonal colors layers #2 layers morning @ Fontane Bianche ready to fly #2 ready to fly focus on the tree praise of slowness #3 praise of slowness  #2 praise of slowness in the spider's lair on the brink a view of nature #3 a view of nature #2 a view of nature #2 a view of nature #2 a view of nature evolution zone evolution #2 evolution wait #2 wait only a fly hidden/visible simply #2 simply a red presence Melitaea alien on the Iris warm up warm up warm up sleeping on the Iris sleeping on the Iris Iris sibirica #2 Ulmus minor (response to aphids) Ulmus minor Iris Sibirica born to be an Iris colors ... by Iris Sibirica colors ... by Iris Sibirica Iris Sibirica Pulsatilla Montana #2 Pulsatilla Montana Hepatica Nobilis #2 colors by crocus #3 colors by crocus #2 colors by crocus twins Crocus #5 Crocus #2 Crocus colors of (late) winter air trapped #2 air trapped Parnassius apollo Parnassius apollo forty fountains Cypripedium calceolus Serapias vomeracea insetto improbabile unusual pair #3 soft colors #3 who's look who? unusual pair #2 soft colors #2 soft colors unusual pair Iris Sibirica's environment a peaceful sensation #2 a peaceful sensation #2 a peaceful sensation #2 trio s'erge solitaria e fiera s'erge solitaria e fiera architetture improbabili to remember Happy Easter / Buona Pasqua Crocus Colors #4 Crocus Colors #4 Crocus Colors #4 Crocus Colors #3 Crocus Colors #2 blurry Hepatica Hepatica Nobilis #3 clarity in the waterfall #3 near waterfall golden ice #2 golden ice water scene Helleborus art #2 Helleborus art destination Helleborus #2 destination Helleborus abstract ... by Helleborus Niger #2 abstract ... by Helleborus Niger colors ... by Helleborus Niger #2 colors ... by Helleborus Niger colors ... by Helleborus Niger colors ... by Helleborus Niger segnali di freddo #4 segnali di freddo #3 segnali di freddo #2 tutto scorre ... #2 tutto scorre ... non è solo ... un funghetto ... Helianthus tuberosum #3 Helianthus tuberosum #2 solo, velato e pastello riposo ristoratore riposo ristoratore fuga da Spiranthes spiralis drosera rotundifolia drosera #2 drosera rasoterra #2 rasoterra Cyclamen purpurascens #2 iris sibirica #4 iris sibirica #2 sguardo traverso #2 sguardo traverso un semplice prato ... ma quanta vita nasconde! trasformazione ... riuscita! trasformazione ... Geranium robertianum mughetto (Convallaria majalis) #2 colori sfumati di un semplice giardino #3 Anemone epatica (Hepatica Nobilis) Anemone epatica (Hepatica Nobilis) pulsatilla montana #3 pulsatilla montana #2 pulsatilla montana water drops in pulsatilla montana #3 water drops in pulsatilla montana #2 water drops in pulsatilla montana il tramonto dell'elleboro il tramonto dell'elleboro colori del bosco #3 colori del bosco #2 la forza della vita colori nascosti #2 colori nascosti 42 braccia tese colori nel bosco in sospensione #2 in sospensione rugiada imagine colors geometria sparsa fiori in autunno fiori in autunno collana naturale ricordando Jurassic Park simply ... my car moltiplicali ed imprigionali: gli amici! sottobosco fiore di cardo fiore di cardo rimasugli estivi solitario satollo #2 ai palù di Sernaglia #3 lungo il sentiero #2 lungo il sentiero forme #2 forme ... pasquetta in fiore yellow spring 41 fiori ... #2 41 fiori ... rosa di natale #3 rosa di natale #2 rosa di natale #2 rosa di natale #2 rosa di natale, Elleboro Helleborus niger rosa di natale, Elleboro Helleborus niger notte di Natale goccia vi si scorge il tempo passato
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